Fire Waltz

Fire Waltz short film – 5’44 – 2012 SYNOPSIS In the trenches of the first World War, the French troops go wild with on homemade musical instruments. DIRECTION Marc Ménager SCRIPT Marc Ménager & Mino Malan (with the participation of Dominique Deluze and Romain Blanc-Tailleur) PRODUCTION La Ménagerie & Xbo films TECHNIQUE puppets, stop-motion Catalog […]
Little players

Little players TV series – 126 x 1’30 – 2011 SYNOPSIS In a few minutes, you will have the chance to to witness a new Summer Olympic Games event. The sun shines on Nothing Hill and, just as always, the competition is to proceed with the most distinguished sense of British a fair-play. But look […]

Plato short film – 11’09 – 2010 SYNOPSIS A cartoon character evolves in a two dimensional world. Busy tracing squares in his personal space, he suddenly finds himself face to face with a 3D cube. This encounter confronts him with his own flatness, and limits. From then on, using the cube, he will seek to […]

Gabrielle TV pilot – 7′ – 2010 SYNOPSIS Gabrielle is 10 years old and has a strange power: a power to make figurative language real. The film is an exploration of language, and of poetry, as well as the violence that can arise from it; an exploration of a person who refuses to be fooled […]
Adèle’s bicycle

Adèle’s bicycle short film – 11’59 – 2009 SYNOPSIS A city promenade in six movements, “Adèle’s bicycle” presents a musical and mischievous vision of the city, following moments in the life of a bike, as it is passed hand to hand, from one person to another. DIRECTION Raphaël Lerays SCRIPT Raphaël Lerays & Laure Limou […]
Happiness, we take care of you

Happiness, we take care of you TV pilot – 7′ – 2009 SYNOPSIS In a not so distant future, the consumer society has matured into a single multinational corporation that takes care of all of humanities needs. The company is Happiness. The company is so considerate that it has even created a new race of traveling […]
The theory of the cat

The theory of the cat short film – 6’41 – 2009 SYNOPSIS When his father calls him for dinner, a child is devoured by a hoard of cats in the hallway leading to the kitchen. This is the frightening preamble to his nightmares, which repeats like film credits. The resolution to this pre-nightmare anxiety is […]
Mr Kong, a zany but heartfelt tale

Mr Kong, a zany but heartfelt tale short film – 19′ – 2008 SYNOPSIS A human-like monster, something between King Kong and Casimir (the French equivalent of Barney), Mr. Kong is born in a surreal and unbridled world, not very different from our own… in order to grow up, Mr. Kong must confront it. DIRECTION […]
W in Pop Supermachineland

W in Pop Supermachineland short film – 6’30 – 2006 SYNOPSIS After hatching, W heads out to discover the world of Surprises. While there, he falls in love. The dreadful and evil Holkorper is awakened by the force of this love, kills W, and captures the object of his desire. Thanks to a good fairy […]

Pierrot short film – 8′ – 2004 SYNOPSIS Mademoiselle Lefèvre will not stand to have her vegetable garden gobbled up a second time. The lady is stingy, and the guardian who’ll stand guard in front of her cottage is a short-legged and whiny bastard… (based on a tale by Guy de Maupassant) DIRECTION Raphaël Lerays […]