The Weeping Bird
The Weeping Bird short film – 9’08 – 2016 SYNOPSIS Assam and Seba are brothers who live together peacefully. They survive off their daily catch and their days are paced by their trips to the sea. However, one day, Seba starts to doubt his older brother’s good will. DIRECTION Claire Ledru SCRIPT Claire Ledru PRODUCTION […]
Iâhmès and the Great Devourer
Iâhmès and the Great Devourer short film – 14’17 – 2016 SYNOPSIS Iâhmès, a 10 year old boy who refuses to die. Angry at the gods, he rejects their judgment and flees the city where he was living. Thus begins his path towards acceptance. DIRECTION Claire Sichez & Marine Rivoal SCRIPT Claire Sichez & Marine […]
Zooz TV pilot – 5’45 – 2015 SYNOPSIS A voice guides us into a swarming and colorful world, where we discover the ecosystem of the ZooZ : its conflicts, cooperative ventures, laws governing the inhabitants’ diet and movements, and the general equilibrium that sustains this little universe. And because it isn’t very big, connections are made quickly, […]
The end
The end short film – 2′ – 2014 SYNOPSIS The rumor spreads. DIRECTION Claire Sichez, Cécile Milazzo & Phuong Mai Nguyen SCRIPT Claire Sichez, Cécile Milazzo & Phuong Mai Nguyen PRODUCTION Collectif incognito & Xbo films TECHNIQUE computer rotoscoping Festival International du Court métrage de Lille 2013 (France) / Traverse Vidéo 2014 (France) / Un […]
Women’s letters
Women’s letters short film – 11’15 – 2013 SYNOPSIS On the front-lines of the First World War, each day, Simon, a nurse, repairs the broken faces of French soldiers with love letters: women’s words with the power to heal the wounds of these paper soldiers. As for Simon, he seems to be impenetrable, wrinkle-free, and […]
Hey dad!
Hey dad! TV pilot – 5’30 – 2013 SYNOPSIS « Hey dad, what is… » the crisis, the European elections, the clash of civilizations… ? A series intended for children and their families where each episode presents a critical summary of a topical issue in a fun and educational way. Each episode uses a different […]
The Direct and Indirect Object and the popp
The Predicate and the Poppy short film – 23′ – 2013 SYNOPSIS In a neighborhood on the outskirts of Paris, in the middle of the projects, there is an elementary school. Known for being very difficult, the school has high teacher turnover, until five inexperienced but motivated young teachers band together and chose to stay. […]
XI. Strength
XI. Strength short film – 12’43 – 2012 SYNOPSIS Clémence is bed-ridden. She is thinking. A future calls her : a near future, or a distant future, it makes no difference. This future speaks of places, people, other possible lives to explore. But how could this future come to fruition if Clémence remains bed-ridden ? […]
One day I woke up and I was angry
One day I woke up and I was angry animated documentary – 15′ – 2012 SYNOPSIS I Woke Up and I Was Angry » is a « documation », a genre unique to its director, something between documentary and animation, which proposes an experimental, sensitive and original perspective on adolescent anger. DIRECTION Lucinda Clutterbuck SCRIPT Lucinda Clutterbuck PRODUCTION […]
Mars short film – 3’25 – 2012 SYNOPSIS Divagation or rite of passage, MARS is a primitive plunge into the heart of a man in bloom… Daydreams, power, fantasy and emancipation come together to form the very core of what comes to define the human : movement and the fear of the void. DIRECTION Romain […]